33rd PHILJEC Joint Meeting (March 30, 2015 . Tokyo)

第33回日比経済合同委員会 日程・議題(案)
The 33rd Joint Meeting of the Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Committees

1.日 時:2015年3月30日(月)9:30~21:00
Time Table  9:30-21:00, March 30, 2015

2.場 所:帝国ホテル2階「蘭の間」ほか
Venue: Ran no Ma Room, 2nd Floor, Imperial Hotel, etc.

9:30- 9:55   開会式 / Opening Ceremony

  • (1) 開会挨拶 / Opening Remarks
    朝田 照男 日比経済委員会 代表世話人
    Mr. Teruo Asada
    Chairman, The Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Committee (JPECC)
  • (2) 歓迎挨拶/ Welcome Remarks
    三村 明夫 日本商工会議所 会頭
     Dr. Akio Mimura
    Chairman, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI)
  • (3)両国首脳メッセージ / Congratulatory Message
    安倍晋三 日本国内閣総理大臣 (代読 外務省南部アジア部参事官 滝崎成樹)
    H.E. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
    (Read by Mr. Shigeki Takizaki, Deputy Director-General, Asian and Oceania Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
    ベニグノ・アキノフィリピン共和国大統領 (代読 駐日フィリピン共和国大使マニュエル・ロペス)
    H.E. Benigno S. Aquino Ⅲ, President of the Republic of the Philippines
    (Read by H.E. Manuel M. Ropez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
    the Republic of the Philippines to Japan)
  • (4)役員選出/議題および議事手続きの採択
    Nomination of Office Bearers / Adoption of Agenda and Business Procedures

9:55-10:20   基調講演 / Keynote Address

    9:55-10:15  (1)グレゴリー・L・ドミンゴ貿易産業大臣

    • Hon. Gregory L. Domingo, Secretary of Trade and Industry

    10:15-10:20 (2)質疑応答 / Q & A

10:20-10:25   休憩 Break

10:25-11:55   全体会議 Plenary Session

    10:25-10:40 (1)日本の労働力不足に対する比日間の協力

    • Philippines-Japan Cooperation to Address the Japanese Labor Shortage in Japan
      ジェラルド・B・サンビクトレス QRDインターナショナル・プレースメント社
      会長兼社長/比日経済委員会 理事兼事務総長
      Mr. Gerard B. Sanvictores, Chairman and President, QRD International
      Placement, Inc., Director and Secretary General, PHILJEC

    10:40-10:55  (2)「フィリピンの人材育成とその活用を目指した事業活動(展開)」(仮)

    • Development of business by utilizing the Philippines Human Resources
      市川 恒 株式会社JTBコーポレートセールス第五事業部営業第二課
      チーフマネージャー 日本企業海外進出サポート「LAPITA」
      Mr. Hisashi Ichikawa, Chief Manager, LAPITA, Global Support for Japanese
      Companies, Expanding Business Overseas Philippines Business Information Center, PHIBIC, JTB Corporate Sales Inc.

    10:55-11:10 (3)質疑応答 / Q & A

    11:10-11:25  (4)日系及び中小企業の進出支援につながるフィリピン銀行業界の開放について

    • Opening the Philippine Banking Sector to Support the Entry of the Japanese and SME Companies
      ユセビオ・V・タン アクラ法律事務所 マネージング・ディレクター
      Atty. Eusebio V. Tan, Managing Director, ACCRA Law, Member of the Board, Philippines-Japan Society and Adviser, PHILJEC

    11:25-11:40 (5)フィリピン日本人商工会議所の活動について

    • About The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines (JCCIPI)
      天野善夫 フィリピン日本人商工会議所会頭
      Mr. Yoshio Amano, Chairman, The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines, Inc. (JCCIPI)

    11:40-11:55  (6)質疑応答 / Q & A

11:55-12:05   閉会挨拶 Closing Remarks

  • エグミディオ・ホセ 比日経済委員会 委員長
    Mr. Egmidio S. Jose
    Chairman, the Philippines- Japan Economic Cooperation Committee (PHILJEC)

12:20-14:00    昼食(帝国ホテル 4階「桜の間」)

  • Luncheon hosted by JPECC (Sakura no Ma Room, 4th Floor)

14:30-17:00    フィリピン投資セミナー(帝国ホテル3階「富士の間」)

  • 主催:日比経済委員会、国際機関日本アセアンセンター、駐日フィリピン共和国大使館、
    Philippine Investment Seminar organized by JPECC, ASEAN-Japan Centre,
    Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines and JETRO (Fuji no Ma Room, 3rd Floor)

17:30~     明治記念館に移動  Move to the Meiji-Kinen-kan by bus

  • Please gather at Banquet Lobby of Imperial Hotel at 17:30 to 17:55
    We will arrange buses.

18:30-19:00    カクテル・レセプション(明治記念館1階「相生の間」)

  • Cocktail Reception (Aioi-no-ma room, Meiji-Kinen-kan)

19:00-21:00   夕食会(明治記念館1階「相生の間」)

  • Dinner hosted by JPECC (Aioi-no-Ma room, Meiji-Kinen-kan)

Laurel to JCCI Mission: Trust and Respect (Feb 5, 2015)

Former PHILJEC Chairman Francis Laurel advised a high-level Japanese Business Mission to pursue “trust and respect” when doing business in the Philippines.  Speaking before the Philippines-Japan Economic Dialogue held on February 5, 2015 at the Shangri La Makati, Laurel – who is also the President of the Philippines-Japan Society – lauded the timing of the JCCI Mission as the country consistently posts high economic growth rates.  He however stated that for Japanese companies to grow and bear fruit, they should be ready to understand their local partners and stakeholders both through good times and bad.  Citing his nearly 40-year joint venture with YKK Corporation, he said YKK Philippines is now considered an exemplar of Filipino-Japanese partnerships as envisioned by the company founder – his own father – the late Ambassador Jose S. Laurel III.  He noted that the Philippines is a true friend of Japan which can offer bountiful human resources to underpin Japanese businesses in the Philippines, Japan and elsewhere.

Laurel was one of eight presentors who discussed various topics before 200 Japanese and Filipino businessmen who attended the Dialogue, as follows:


Opening addresses were delivered by Dr. Akio Mimura, Chairman – Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) – who led the Mission, Mr. Alfredo Yao, President – Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI), Mr. Emigdio de Silva Jose, President – Philippines-Japan Economic Cooperation Committee (PHILJEC).  The 100-man JCCI Mission of February 2015 is regarded as the largest delegation of major Japanese business groups to visit the country in years.  Earlier in the day, Dr. Mimura and the JCCI Mission called on President Benigno S. Aquino III in Malacañang.

PHILJEC co-hosted the luncheon that preceded the Dialogue, which was attended by 50 PHILJEC officers and members.

PHILJEC Co-Hosts JCCI Mission (Jan 31, 2015)

The Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) is dispatching a high-level economic mission to the Philippines on February 4 to 7, 2015.  It is described as the largest contingent of Japanese businessmen to the Philippines in recent years.  The Mission is headed by Mr. Akio Mimura, Chairman of JCCI.  Its schedule is being coordinate by the Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Philippines (JCCIPI), the Philippines-Japan Economic Cooperation Committee (PHILJEC), the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI) and the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI).

On February 5, the Mission is scheduled to pay a courtesy call on President Benigno S. Aquino III at the Malacañang Palace.  Thereafter, the group will proceed to the Shangri-La Makati for a luncheon jointly hosted by PCCI and PHILJEC.  In the afternoon, a two-part Dialogue with the Mission will be held where several topics will be discussed:

Part 1 – Dialogue between JCCI and PCCI-PHILJEC on:

  • Development of Infrastructure for the Improvement of the issue of Transportation
  • Cooperation between Japanese and Philippine Companies

Part 2 – Dialogue between JCCI and the Philippine Government on:

  • Investment Climate in the Philippines (Sec. Gregory Domingo – DTI)
  • Fiscal Reform of the Philippines (Sec. Cesar Purisima – DoF)
  • Financial Policy of the Philippines (Governor Amando Tetangco, Jr.– BSP)
  • Investment Opportunities in the Eco Zones (Director-General Lilia De Lima – PEZA)

On February 6, the Mission will tour several industrial estates in Laguna.

PHILJEC Members Attend Nikkei Asian Review Forum (Jan 30, 2015)

Several PHILJEC members attended the recently concluded NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW FORUM IN MANILA held at the Manila Peninsula on 30 January 2015.  Seen at the Forum were PHILJEC Advisor, former Prime Minister Cesar E.A. Virata, former PHILJEC Chairman Atty. Eusebio V. Tan and PHILJEC Trustees JJ Soriano and Philip Sanvictores.

The keynote speech was delivered by Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima who revealed the major components of the “Cebu Action Plan” for regional financial integration which will be presented at the APEC financial ministers meeting in September.  He said he had discussed this earlier in Hong Kong and more recently in Davos, Switzerland.  http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/Economy/Philippines-to-accelerate-goods-trade

The theme of the Forum was “Countdown to the ASEAN Economic Community: How the Philippines and the Region will Fare:  Opening speeches were delivered by Mr. Naotoshi Okada, Executive Vice-President  of Nikkei, Inc., Mr.  Alfredo Yao, President of PCCI and Mr. Ken Koyanagi, Publisher, Nikkei Asian Review.  After the keynote speech by Sec. Purisima, a panel discussion was held with the following panelists:  Mr. Jayant Menon, Lead Economist, ADB, Mr. Nestor V. Tan, President and CEO of BDO UniBank and Mr. Keisuke Nishimura, Managing Director, Kirin Holdings.  The discussions were moderated by Ms. Gwen Robinson, Senior Asia Editor, Nikkei Asia Review.

Articles Featured in Nikkei Asian Review

Hurdles remain to ASEAN trade integration (website)
Obstacles remain to ASEAN trade integration (magazine)

nikkei asian forum

nikkei asian forum1

nikkei asian forum2

PHILJEC-JPECC Joint Meetings

The PHILJEC-JPECC Joint Meetings

(1974 ~ 2024)

1stApril 14-16, 1974ManilaEmilio AbelloKiichiro Kitaura
2ndMarch 11-13, 1975TokyoNoboru GotohEmilio Abello
3rdMarch 9-10, 1976ManilaEmilio AbelloNoboru Gotoh
4thFebruary 23-24, 1977TokyoNoboru GotohEmilo Abello
5thMarch 11-12, 1978ManilaEmilio AbelloNoboru Gotoh
6thMarch 6-7, 1979NagoyaNoboru GotohEmilio Abello
7thMarch 1980ManilaEmilio AbelloNoboru Gotoh
8thMarch 10-11, 1981FukuokaNoboru GotohEmilio Abello
9thMarch 9-10, 1982Puerto AzulDavid SycipNoboru Gotoh
10thMarch 9-10, 1983KyotoNoboru GotohDavid Sycip
11thNovember 8-9, 1984ManilaDavid SycipNoboru Gotoh
12thMarch 13-15, 1989TokyoShinroku MorohashiJoseph Uy
13thFebruary 19-20, 1990ManilaJoseph UyShinroku Morohashi
14thJune 12-14, 1991TokyoKazuo HarunaVictor A. Lim
15thFebruary 24-25, 1993ManilaVictor A. LimHisamitsu Uetani
16thJune 2-3, 1994TokyoShinroku MorohashiAlfonso T. Yuchengco
17thFebruary 10-11, 1995CebuAlfonso T. YuchengcoKazuo Haruna
18thApril 4-5, 1996KyotoTadasu TobaHerman M. Montenegro
19thMay 16-18, 1997ManilaHerman M. MontenegroShinroku Morohashi
20thNovember 4-6, 1998ManilaFrancisco C. EizmendiKazuo Haruna
21stNovember 10-12, 1999TokyoAkio KosaiFrancisco C. Eizmendi
22ndNovember 6-7, 2000ManilaFeliciano L. TorresShinroku Morohashi
23rdSeptember 13, 2001TokyoIwao ToriumiFeliciano L. Torres
24thFebruary 28, 2003ManilaFernando M. Zobel de AyalaIsao Kaneko
25thOctober 14, 2004TokyoMikio SasakiFernando M. Zobel de Ayala
26thFebruary 24, 2006ManilaFrancis C. LaurelTohru Tsuji
27thOctober 29, 2007TokyoTohru TsujiFrancis C. Laurel
28thFebruary 27, 2009ManilaTomas I. AlcantaraToshitaka Hagiwara
29thFebruary 01, 2011TokyoToshitaka HagiwaraTomas I. Alcantara
30thFebruary 16, 2012ManilaEusebio V. TanTohru Tsuji
31stMarch 14, 2013TokyoEizo KobayashiEusebio V. Tan
32ndMarch 6, 2014ManilaEgmidio Cesar S. JoseKen Kobayashi
33rdMarch 30, 2015TokyoTeruo AsadaEgmidio Cesar S. Jose
34thFebruary 23, 2016ManilaRoberto Jose CastilloKen Kobayashi
35thFebruary 28, 2017TokyoKen KobayashiRobert Jose Castillo
36thFebruary 22, 2018ManilaAtty. Aniceto G. Saludo, Jr.Teruo Asada
37thMarch 13, 2019TokyoShinya KatanozakaAtty. Aniceto G. Saludo, Jr.
38thSeptember 27, 2021Online Conference PlatformGerard B. SanvictoresKen Kobayashi
39thMarch 2, 2023TokyoTeruo AsadaGerard B. Sanvictores
40thMarch 15, 2024ManilaRichard Albert I. OsmondYuji Hirako

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