Japan Prime Minister’s Wife Yuko Kishida visits NCF

Last November 4, 2023, the wife of Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, visited the Nihongo Center Foundation, Inc. (NCF) office in Makati as part of her and the Prime Minister’s two-day visit to the Philippines. 

Upon Mrs. Kishida’s arrival at the office, she was greeted and welcomed by Mr. Francis C. Laurel, Chairman of NCF, along with the other NCF officials, Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores, President; and Mr. Kenjiro Ogata, Academic Advisor.

Mrs. Kishida (left) together with the wife of Japan Ambassador to the Philippines Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Mrs. Yuko Koshikawa (right), sat in class with six NCF students taking up Intermediate Level Japanese who conversed with the two in an engaging exchange. Mrs. Kishida wished the students luck in their future pursuits and urged them to continue with their Japanese language education.

She also had a discussion with a few nurse and care worker candidates under the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), talking about the candidates’ struggles in their undertaking of nursing and caregiving as well as their aspirations as nurses and care workers, among others. Mrs. Kishida shared her hopes for them saying, “To be able to support the people, nurses and care workers are essential […] I hope you enjoy your life in Japan.” After their Japanese language training, the nurses and care worker candidates intend to work in Japanese medical and care facilities in various parts of Japan.

Reference: https://nihongocenter.com.ph/2023/11/japan-prime-ministers-wife-yuko-kishida-visits-ncf/


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The Embassy of Japan and the Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni (PHILFEJA) held its annual Shinnenkai on 02 February 2024 at the official residence of Japan’s Ambassador to the Philippines, with Ms. Jalenie Chua of the Embassy of Japan as the Master of Ceremonies.

Distinguished guests graced the event including, among others, Cultural Center of the Philippines Chairman and Former Minister of Education, Culture, and Sports of the Philippines Jaime C. Laya, Philippine Competition Commission Chairman Atty. Michael G. Aguinaldo, JICC Director Shigehiro Matsuda, JICA Philippines Chief Representative Takema Sakamoto, Marubeni Corporation Philippines President (and The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines President) Shigeru Shimoda, and Asst. Sec. Mario Zinampan of the Department of Migrant Workers.

The evening started with cocktails, with the attendees exchanging warm greetings, sharing experiences of the past year and expressing hopes and aspirations for the year ahead.

Following the cocktails, the program proper started.  Ambassador Kazuhiko Koshikawa, delivered a message, citing the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.  He spoke fondly of the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA) as PHILFEJA President Domingo Go was one of the people who attended “Study in Japan Forum ASEAN” in Tokyo last November 2023 and how ASCOJA has been a pivotal support for strengthening the bilateral relations between Japan and ASEAN as a whole.  Moreover, he described how the relationship of Japan and the Philippines evolved throughout the years and pointed out that it has now resulted in security cooperation and close economic ties.

“In receiving this recognition, I cannot help but recall our student days – a common experience I am certain many of us present tonight share: the difficulties and challenges we faced as we labored through our studies in a foreign land… In facing the challenges together, we developed a certain camaraderie and kinship amongst ourselves and with them that would last a lifetime.” (Read more)

In his remarks that followed, Mr. Go expressed PHILFEJA’s gratitude to Ambassador Koshikawa for allowing the Embassy of Japan to co-host the event at his elegant residence, and for presenting to PHILFEJA, as a founding member of ASCOJA, the Certificate of Recognition given by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ASCOJA.  Mr. Go then recalled the common experiences faced by students who studied in Japan – and how these have led to friendships with students from Japan and other countries.  He pointed out that this spirit of kindship and camaraderie is widespread throughout all of the Japan alumni organizations in ASEAN, as all members of ASCOJA share a common thread with Japan, giving impetus to these friendships and spirit of collaboration.  While emphasizing that these experiences have significantly influenced the lives of the alumni and have served to shape their bond with Japan – a bond that needed to be nurtured and sustained – he then called on all alumni to ensure that the future generations will appreciate and understand the importance of sustaining this bond.

He ended his remarks by inviting everyone to join him in a toast to the further deepening of this friendship and camaraderie and to the continued success of PHILFEJA.

After the toast, Pianist Mariel Ilusorio and Soprano Anna Migallos regaled the audience with Gaano Ko Ikaw Kamahal, If I Loved You, All the Things You Are, Somewhere Over the Rainbow and Hana wa Saku.  She also sang Quando M’en Vo from Puccini’s La Bohème as the encore number.

Finally, a photo session was also held commemorating the joyous occasion.

It was a truly memorable event, a first in the 47-year history of PHILFEJA.


Ambassador Koshikawa’s Speech
Mr. Domingo Go’s Speech

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