PHILFEJA joins Ambassador Kazuya Endo’s first official Dinner at his Residence

The Trustees of the Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni, Inc. (PHILFEJA) had the honor of being hosted by Ambassador Kazuya and Madame Akiko ENDO of Japan for the first official dinner held at their residence last 12 April 2024.

The Trustees present were President Domingo C. Go (APPAJU), Vice-President Rommel G. Roque (SAPILNIP), Treasurer Dr. Neil H. Tan Gana (PHILJAMES), Atty. Marites Barrios-Taran (JAAP), and Ms. Cynthia M. Reyes (PHILCULTAROS).  The other attendees were JICA Philippines Chief Representative, Mr. Takema Sakamoto, and (from the Embassy of Japan) Minister & Consul-General Takahiro Hanada, First Secretary & Labor Attache Chihiro Kanno, and JICC Research Adviser, Ms. Yurie Mukaigawa. 

The event provided an opportunity for the new Ambassador to meet the officers of the Philippines-Japan alumni community and to introduce the various component organizations under PHILFEJA to him.

In his Twitter post, the Ambassador expressed confidence in furthering this partnership towards shaping a brighter future.

PHILFEJA Attends the 50th ASJA International Board Meeting and ASCOJA Board Meeting in Tokyo

PHILFEJA, represented by President Domingo C. Go, participated in the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA) and Asia Japan Alumni (ASJA) meetings and several events in Tokyo from March 6 to 9, 2024.

ASJA Director Philip B. Sanvictores represented the Philippines at the ASJA Board Meeting on March 8th.  For his part, Mr. Go attended the ASCOJA Governors’ Meeting which was held on the same day as well as several ancillary activities that were held:  A joint meeting of the ASCOJA Governors with the alumni representatives from twenty-five (25) other countries, followed by a reception hosted by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoshifumi Tsuge, which was likewise attended by Mrs. Akie Abe, widow of the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and Mr. Tatsuo Fukuda, Chairman of the General Council of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).  In addition, separate courtesy calls were held on Toshiko Abe, State Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and on Yoshifumi Tsuge, State Minister for Foreign Affairs.  ASJA hosted a farewell reception which was attended, among others, by Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki of Japan.

The 40th PHILJEC and JPECC joint meeting forges stronger Japan-Philippines relations for the next decade

The Philippines-Japan Economic Cooperation Committee, Inc. (PHILJEC) and its counterpart, the Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Committee (JPECC), held their 40th annual joint meeting on March 15, 2024, at the Grand Hyatt Manila, Bonifacio Global City. Themed “Stronger Philippines-Japan Relations in the Next 10 Years – Japan, a Strategic Partner of the Philippines”, the meeting was structured into four plenary sessions: (1) CREATE Law – Enhancing Philippine Competitiveness; (2) Large-Scale Food Production Imperatives for the Philippines; (3) Harnessing Filipino Human Resources; and (4) Triggers for Increased Japanese Investments in the Philippines. The Meeting was keynoted by BSP Governor Eli M. Remolona. Congratulatory Messages from President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. and Japanese Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio were also received.

The 40-man JPECC delegation was headed by Mr. HIRAKO Yuji, Vice-Chairman of ANA Holdings, Corporation.  A day before the Meeting, PHILJEC arranged a courtesy call by JPECC on Transport Secretary Jaime J. Bautista and the Department of Transport Management Team composed of the Department’s five Undersecretaries.

In his welcome remarks, PHILJEC Chairman and Science Park of the Philippines Inc. President Richard I. Osmond said that “the friendship and business cooperation between Japan and the Philippines started way beyond 50 years ago” while noting that the two countries’ relations face “bigger challenges as the world is drastically changing in terms of its climate, economic and business landscape, and culture.” In his response, JPECC Chairman Hirako noted that there are now over 200,000 Filipinos working in Japan, a number that is expected to steadily increase in view of Japan’s ageing and declining population.  He expressed hope that highly skilled Filipino professionals will gain meaningful, long-term employment in Japan.

PHILJEC was established 50 years ago (1974) and has since served as the primary counterpart of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and Keizai Douyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives). PHILJEC Chairman Osmond heads a 10-man Board assisted by his two co-Chairmen Alfred V. Ty, Chairman of Toyota Motor Philippines, Inc. and Ferdinand A. Ferrer, President CEO of Gruppo EMS and Chairman of the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. (SEIPI).

Reference Materials

Japan Prime Minister’s Wife Yuko Kishida visits NCF

Last November 4, 2023, the wife of Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, visited the Nihongo Center Foundation, Inc. (NCF) office in Makati as part of her and the Prime Minister’s two-day visit to the Philippines. 

Upon Mrs. Kishida’s arrival at the office, she was greeted and welcomed by Mr. Francis C. Laurel, Chairman of NCF, along with the other NCF officials, Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores, President; and Mr. Kenjiro Ogata, Academic Advisor.

Mrs. Kishida (left) together with the wife of Japan Ambassador to the Philippines Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Mrs. Yuko Koshikawa (right), sat in class with six NCF students taking up Intermediate Level Japanese who conversed with the two in an engaging exchange. Mrs. Kishida wished the students luck in their future pursuits and urged them to continue with their Japanese language education.

She also had a discussion with a few nurse and care worker candidates under the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), talking about the candidates’ struggles in their undertaking of nursing and caregiving as well as their aspirations as nurses and care workers, among others. Mrs. Kishida shared her hopes for them saying, “To be able to support the people, nurses and care workers are essential […] I hope you enjoy your life in Japan.” After their Japanese language training, the nurses and care worker candidates intend to work in Japanese medical and care facilities in various parts of Japan.



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