33rd PHILJEC Joint Meeting (March 30, 2015 . Tokyo)

第33回日比経済合同委員会 日程・議題(案)
The 33rd Joint Meeting of the Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Committees

1.日 時:2015年3月30日(月)9:30~21:00
Time Table  9:30-21:00, March 30, 2015

2.場 所:帝国ホテル2階「蘭の間」ほか
Venue: Ran no Ma Room, 2nd Floor, Imperial Hotel, etc.

9:30- 9:55   開会式 / Opening Ceremony

  • (1) 開会挨拶 / Opening Remarks
    朝田 照男 日比経済委員会 代表世話人
    Mr. Teruo Asada
    Chairman, The Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Committee (JPECC)
  • (2) 歓迎挨拶/ Welcome Remarks
    三村 明夫 日本商工会議所 会頭
     Dr. Akio Mimura
    Chairman, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI)
  • (3)両国首脳メッセージ / Congratulatory Message
    安倍晋三 日本国内閣総理大臣 (代読 外務省南部アジア部参事官 滝崎成樹)
    H.E. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
    (Read by Mr. Shigeki Takizaki, Deputy Director-General, Asian and Oceania Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
    ベニグノ・アキノフィリピン共和国大統領 (代読 駐日フィリピン共和国大使マニュエル・ロペス)
    H.E. Benigno S. Aquino Ⅲ, President of the Republic of the Philippines
    (Read by H.E. Manuel M. Ropez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
    the Republic of the Philippines to Japan)
  • (4)役員選出/議題および議事手続きの採択
    Nomination of Office Bearers / Adoption of Agenda and Business Procedures

9:55-10:20   基調講演 / Keynote Address

    9:55-10:15  (1)グレゴリー・L・ドミンゴ貿易産業大臣

    • Hon. Gregory L. Domingo, Secretary of Trade and Industry

    10:15-10:20 (2)質疑応答 / Q & A

10:20-10:25   休憩 Break

10:25-11:55   全体会議 Plenary Session

    10:25-10:40 (1)日本の労働力不足に対する比日間の協力

    • Philippines-Japan Cooperation to Address the Japanese Labor Shortage in Japan
      ジェラルド・B・サンビクトレス QRDインターナショナル・プレースメント社
      会長兼社長/比日経済委員会 理事兼事務総長
      Mr. Gerard B. Sanvictores, Chairman and President, QRD International
      Placement, Inc., Director and Secretary General, PHILJEC

    10:40-10:55  (2)「フィリピンの人材育成とその活用を目指した事業活動(展開)」(仮)

    • Development of business by utilizing the Philippines Human Resources
      市川 恒 株式会社JTBコーポレートセールス第五事業部営業第二課
      チーフマネージャー 日本企業海外進出サポート「LAPITA」
      Mr. Hisashi Ichikawa, Chief Manager, LAPITA, Global Support for Japanese
      Companies, Expanding Business Overseas Philippines Business Information Center, PHIBIC, JTB Corporate Sales Inc.

    10:55-11:10 (3)質疑応答 / Q & A

    11:10-11:25  (4)日系及び中小企業の進出支援につながるフィリピン銀行業界の開放について

    • Opening the Philippine Banking Sector to Support the Entry of the Japanese and SME Companies
      ユセビオ・V・タン アクラ法律事務所 マネージング・ディレクター
      Atty. Eusebio V. Tan, Managing Director, ACCRA Law, Member of the Board, Philippines-Japan Society and Adviser, PHILJEC

    11:25-11:40 (5)フィリピン日本人商工会議所の活動について

    • About The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines (JCCIPI)
      天野善夫 フィリピン日本人商工会議所会頭
      Mr. Yoshio Amano, Chairman, The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Philippines, Inc. (JCCIPI)

    11:40-11:55  (6)質疑応答 / Q & A

11:55-12:05   閉会挨拶 Closing Remarks

  • エグミディオ・ホセ 比日経済委員会 委員長
    Mr. Egmidio S. Jose
    Chairman, the Philippines- Japan Economic Cooperation Committee (PHILJEC)

12:20-14:00    昼食(帝国ホテル 4階「桜の間」)

  • Luncheon hosted by JPECC (Sakura no Ma Room, 4th Floor)

14:30-17:00    フィリピン投資セミナー(帝国ホテル3階「富士の間」)

  • 主催:日比経済委員会、国際機関日本アセアンセンター、駐日フィリピン共和国大使館、
    Philippine Investment Seminar organized by JPECC, ASEAN-Japan Centre,
    Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines and JETRO (Fuji no Ma Room, 3rd Floor)

17:30~     明治記念館に移動  Move to the Meiji-Kinen-kan by bus

  • Please gather at Banquet Lobby of Imperial Hotel at 17:30 to 17:55
    We will arrange buses.

18:30-19:00    カクテル・レセプション(明治記念館1階「相生の間」)

  • Cocktail Reception (Aioi-no-ma room, Meiji-Kinen-kan)

19:00-21:00   夕食会(明治記念館1階「相生の間」)

  • Dinner hosted by JPECC (Aioi-no-Ma room, Meiji-Kinen-kan)

ASCOJA Chairman Sanvictores Addresses Japan-ASEAN Youth Conference in Tokyo (Mar 28, 2015)

ASCOJA Chairman, Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores delivered the keynote address for the 1st Japan-ASEAN Youth Conference held last 28 March 2015 at the Hakusan Campus of Toyo University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.  The Conference was organized and hosted by the Japan Association for the Promotion of Internationalization (JAPI) 日本国際化推進協会.

Entitled 日本滞在とその後のキャリアーに付いて or “Careers after Japan Studies”, the speech highlighted the responsibilities of current and former foreign students 留学生in Japan to pursue roles of promoting friendship, understanding and mutual respect between peoples, particularly between ASEAN countries and Japan.  Speaking before 500 mostly students, including professors and educators from different parts of Japan, Mr. Sanvictores explained the important role of ASCOJA (ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni) in performing this seminal role (since its establishment in 1977) in interpersonal, people to people relationships.  He also said that the values and objectives of ASCOJA were inspired by the Fukuda Doctrine of “Heart-to-Heart” or 心と心relationships.

(For a copy of his speech and powerpoint material, please click here.)

The other main speaker was Mr. Makio Takemura, President of Toyo University who gave an elaborate presentation on the long-term strategy and near term plans of his university in promoting academic internationalization.

This was followed by a panel discussion composed of the following:

  • Masami Watanabe – Head, Foreign Students Division. MEXT,
  • Masahiro Yokota – Head, International Japanese Department. Meiji University
  • Yohei Shibasaki – CEO. Fourth Valley Concierge Corp.
  • Akio Nakamura – President. BizJapan


The panel of experts engaged students representing the different ASEAN countries on various topics and issues, which eventually narrowed down to constraints that dampen the interest of and hamper the flow of ASEAN students going to Japan to study.  It appears that there is a severe lack of information on programs, scholarships, and other facets relating to Japan studies.  The fluency of the ASEAN ryugakusei in Nihongo and their deep insights on the subject was very impressive.

The panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Yukiko Hirai of Selfwing, Inc., while Mr. Masaki Umezu, NHK executive announcer served as the master of ceremonies.

The youthful President of JAPI Mr. Takayasu Omura also announced that effective April 1, 2015, he will be seconded to the Ministry of Education, Science & Technology (MEXT) for a one year assignment to further deepen his knowledge of MEXT and its allied operations relating to foreign students in Japan.

(For a copy of the conference Program, please click here.)


PHILFEJA Delegation at Toyo University

PHILFEJA Delegation at the entrance of Toyo University Hakusan Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.  (L-R): Mrs. Marilen Laurel-Loinaz, Mrs. Gennie T. Ferma, Mrs. Patricia Maribel C. Sanvictores and Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores (PHILFEJA President and ASCOJA Chairman).

PHILFEJA Delegation with ASCOJA colleagues at Toyo University

PHILFEJA Delegation with ASCOJA colleagues at the entrance of Toyo University Hakusan Campus, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.  (L-R): Mrs. Bouasone Vongthavone (President – Japan Alumni Organization of Laos), Mrs. Marilen Laurel-Loinaz, Mrs. Gennie T. Ferma, Mrs. Patricia Maribel C. Sanvictores, Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores and Dr. Ooi Cee Keong, President – Japan Graduates Association of Malaysia and ASCOJA Vice-Chairman)

ASJA-ASCOJA attendees at Japan-ASEAN Youth Conference

ASJA-ASCOJA attendees at the 1st Japan-ASEAN Youth Conference.  L-R: Ms. Indri Tohir (PERSADA), unidentified Indonesian alumnus, Ms. Chikako Hagihara (ASJA Secretariat), Mr. Jiro Sato (ASJA Secretary-General), Mrs. Marilen Laurel-Loinaz, Mrs. Patricia Maribel C. Sanvictores, Mrs. Genne T. Ferma (PHILFEJA), Ms. ____ (MAJA) and Dr. Surawut ___ (OJSAT).

JAPI president Takayasu Omura

Mr. Takayasu Omura, President of JAPI giving his Welcome Speech

ASCOJA chairman Philip Sanvictores at conference

ASCOJA Chairman (PHILFEJA President) Philip B. Sanvictores delivering the Keynote Address at the start of the Conference

Toyo University president Makio Takemura

Dr. Makio Takemura, President – Toyo University – presenting the Toyo Global Diamonds Program

Association of Filipino Students in Japan

Representative of the Association of Filipino Students in Japan articulately expressing his opinions, thoughts and views during the Panel Discussion.

Association of Filipino Students in Japan with PHILFEJA Delegation

Members of the Association of Filipino Students in Japan posing with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sanvictores (center, fifth and sixth from the left, respectively) , Mrs. Genie T. Ferma and Mrs. Marilen Laurel-Loinaz ((fifth and fourth from the right, respectively).


First Japan-ASEAN Youth ConferencePoster of the First Japan-ASEAN Youth Conference 2015.  MEXT Min. Hakubun Shimomura was the other keynote speaker, who unfortunately was unable to make it to the Conference due to an official emergency.

ASJA-ASCOJA Board of Directors/Governors Tokyo, Japan (Mar 27, 2015)

ASJA Directors and ASCOJA Governors. Seated: L-R:: Dr. Chin Way Kay (BAJA), Ms. Bouasone Vonthaphong (JAC), Dr. Samran Chooduangern (OJSAT), Dr. Ngo Minh Thuy (JAV), Dr. Vuthy Monyrath (JAOL), Dr. Si Si Shein (MAJA) – 2015 ASJA International Chairperson, Mr. Philip Sanvictores (PHILFEJA) – ASCOJA Chairman, Dr. Ooi Chee Keong (JAGAM) – ASCOJA Vice-Chairman, Mr. Ismadji Hadisumarto(PERSADA), Dr. Tan Kay Guan (JUGAS), Dr. Tineke Mandang (PERSADA).

 Official delegates and observers. Standing L-R:: Unidentified lady delegates from MAJA,Dr. Phan Trung Nghia and Dr. Nguyen Huyen Trang (JAV), Mr. Yee Jenn En (JUGAS),Secretary-General Jiro Sato (ASJA Int’l), Amb. Takashi Tajima (ASJA Director for Japan), Ms. Marilen Laurel-Loinaz, Ms. Gennie Ferma, Ms. Patricia Maribel Sanvictores (PHILFEJA), Dr. Goh Nge Seung (JAGAM), Dr. Surawut Chuangchote(OJSAT).

ASJA Scholars Completion Graduation Ceremony 2015 (Mar 27, 2015)

ASJA Scholars Completion Graduation Ceremony 2015
ASJA Scholars Completion Graduation Ceremony 2015

2015 ASJA Commencement Exercises (Mar 27, 2015)

ASJA-MEXT Scholars who attended the 2015 ASJA Commencement Exercises Reception with the PHILFEJA Delegation.

ASJA-MEXT Scholars who attended the 2015 ASJA Commencement Exercises Reception with the PHILFEJA Delegation.

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