PHILFEJA holds hybrid General Assembly meeting after pandemic

The Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni (PHILFEJA) held its first Hybrid General Assembly Meeting on the 19th of August 2023 at the PJFF Office at Electra House Makati. 

Representatives from the five (5) affiliate Associations attended. Special guests were Mr. Shigehiro Matsuda, Director and First Secretary of the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan who was also the Inducting Officer and Dr. Lydia Tansinsin, who at ninety-years old, is still active in her profession, representing the early batch of Monbusho scholars and one of the living Founders of PHILAJAMES.

After the Annual Report of the President, the Officers and Trustees for 2023-2024 were elected: Mr. Domingo Go (APPAJU) as President, Mr. Rommel Roque (SAPILNIP) as Vice-President, Dr. Neil Tan Gana (PHILAJAMES) as Treasurer and as Trustees: Ms. Junelyn Pangunsan (JAAP) and Ms. Cynthia Reyes (PHILCULTAROS).  Ms. Cecilia Tolentino remained as Secretary-General.  Mr. Rommel Roque, President of SAPILNIP and elected Vice-President of PHILFEJA was in Los Angeles, USA at that time but he attended the Meeting and was inducted by Zoom.  The Accounting Firm of Diaz, Murillo, Dalupan and Company was also re-appointed as external auditor of PHILFEJA for fiscal year 2023. 

After the Oath-taking, Director Matsuda gave his congratulatory speech with some phrases in the Filipino language.  Other guests who were requested to give remarks were former Trustee and PHILFEJA Director for ASJA, Mr. Philip Sanvictores, and Dr. Lydia Tansinsin.

The guests enjoyed the sumptuous lunch and the fellowship afterwards.


JICA Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP)

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With the goal of merging the alumni associations in the Philippines under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Training Program, a signing meeting of the articles of incorporation and constitution and by-laws was held on March 22, 2013 at the JICA Philippine Office forming the JICA Alumni Association of the Philippines, Inc. (JAAP).

JAAP is a product of the unification of the three alumni associations namely, The Philippines-Japan Fellows Associations (PHILJAFA), whose members are attendees of the courses under the Training and Dialogue Program; Philippine-ASEAN-Japan Friendship Association for the 21st Century, Inc. (PAJAFA 21), for those who participated the Training Program for Young Leaders; and recipients of the Japan Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS).

The three alumni associations were merged to strengthen the participation and network of the scholars and improve the management and coordination of their projects, which are all supported by JICA.

JAAP Board of Directors


President : Ms. Junelyn A. Pagunsan

Vice President for External Affairs : Mr. Angelito L. Bahares

Vice President for Internal Affairs : Mr. Osric Primo Bem A. Quibot

Secretary : Mr. Lorenzo S. Hipolito Jr.

Treasurer : Mr. Philip John B. Moreno

Auditor : Mr. Ronaldo V. Uriarte

PRO Government : Mr. Joseph Albert Niño M. Bulan

PRO Private : Ms. Portia Z. Vitug


Young Leaders : Mr. RJ Marco Lorenzo C. Parcon

JDS : Mr. Raul C. Vibal Jr.

Group and Region Focus : Mr. Francis Mark A. Quimba


Ms. Christie L. Alvarez

Mr. Joseph G. Porgatorio

Mr. Ronnie O. Serta Juan

Mr. Filip P. Canas

Address: 3rd Floor Integrated Research and Training Center Building (IRTC)
Technological University of the Philippines (TUP), Manila

